Stef, per your question...
Can I show up wearing just the badge?please note there will be a DC at my place every weekend this summer... plenty of seating, contact me for rooming information
this badge is for english speaking delegates.
the original size is 8.2 mm (3.25 inches) wide, 5.2mm (2 inches) height.. enjoy the programming.
Stef, per your question...
Can I show up wearing just the badge?please note there will be a DC at my place every weekend this summer... plenty of seating, contact me for rooming information
how long can you be a practicing witness before you are expected to be baptised?
what changes once you are baptised?
what do you have to do to become baptised?
Steve said
It's kinda like a legal thing to them.
Actually, it is a legal thing, in every sense of the word. Its what allows them to get away with all their wacky rules and methods of enforcing them. Once you are baptised, you have indicated that you are a member of the religion, and you agree to be bound by its rules and procedures. In fact, its why the two questions that baptismal candidates are asked were changed back in 1985-6 to make this even more evident. Of course, this is never really explained to prospective members.
No Apologies (of the baptised before 1985 class)
i realize i risk making an over-generalization here, but i notice that many witnesses are just broke or nearly so.. this was reinforced with a recent incident in which i learned that only a few people in the congregation have any.
health insurance - including elders.
the wall street journal carried a front page article with graph that showed the.
A breakdown of my expenses from last years District Convention:
motel room: $150
meals out: $120
coffee while hanging out at Starbucks Friday morning: $2.50
lunch and movie Saturday afternoon: $17.00
another coffee break, why are all these dubs here during the session???: $2.00
blowing off two days to goof around instead of attending the sessions: PRICELESS!!!!!
No Apologies (of the no I'm not gong this year class)
how long can you be a practicing witness before you are expected to be baptised?
what changes once you are baptised?
what do you have to do to become baptised?
North Girl
Becoming a witness is a process that involves several steps. First, somehow you come in contact with them and display an interest in their religion. After being called on for a while, you will be offered a "Bible study" which consists of going through one or more publications with the witnesses Then you will be encouraged to begin attending meetings. Assuming you have gotten to this stage, the next step will be the field service, although you must receive "approval" to be permitted to do this (if you have a basic understanding of JW beliefs, and if you are not living a lifestyle they disapprove of- i.e. smoking, living with someone, etc, you will be approved).
Its a steady progression, and if any point you balk, they will try very hard to get you to continue. Once you have started attending all the meetings and are participating in field service, the next logical step is baptism. And it will be stressed to you how vital this step is if you are to truly be part of God's organizaition and have the wunnerful hope of living on paradise erf with the rest of the JWs.
As long as you are not baptised, you can make mistakes, and as long as you act repentant and make it clear that you really really want to be a JW someday, you will be "forgiven." Its all about getting you in, and getting baptised is what will seal your fate.
No Apologies of the long-winded but hopefully useful answer class)
[note: the quotes below are to the best of my memory, but may contain minor errors].
a follow-up to the un evidence i sent to my mom (orignal thread here:
i phoned my mum last night to enquire if my missionary-elder .
Thanks for the reply talesin!
No Apologies (of the I learn something new everyday class)
[note: the quotes below are to the best of my memory, but may contain minor errors].
a follow-up to the un evidence i sent to my mom (orignal thread here:
i phoned my mum last night to enquire if my missionary-elder .
Not to hijack the thread, but what are you referring to when you mentioned 911 status for the KH?
No Apologies
hi all, i have not posted for some time, to bring you up to date, i recently moved, the local jw's do not know me.
they do not know i am a fade-away.. as luck would have it, a couple of weeks ago two 50-somthing jw's, husband and wife, knocked on our door while doing normal house to house work.
i got the standard presentation, with a strong emphasis on 1914 and the last days.
The appendix to the Kingdom book is where I started my research on this topic two years ago. As I read through it I soon realized that what it does is admit that there is no historical evidence for 607, but instead much evidence that would - if anything - discredit that date. Of course, the book is 20 years old. Surely if any evidence to support 607 had been discovered since then, the Watchtower would have been shouting it from the rooftops. Instead, as Blondie points out, they have been virtually silent on this topic ever since....
No Apologies (of the if I find out its not the truth, I will leave class)
how do you think the series is going to end?
i was quite disappointed in tony's behavior recently, forgetting his mission and all the millions of lives at stake, but it is understandable too.
but the big question is who is the mole if there is one.
Ok, how have I missed this thread for so long??? I have been a big fan of 24 since 12:00 a.m. on the day of the California primary!!!!!
I have to say the finale last night was anticlimactic at best. The only surprise was the ax scene, ouch! Of course, in 24 land, 10 minutes later his hand is being reattached... right....
it was just very paint-by-numbers, catch the bad guy, Palmer is not running cause there is no way to resolve the mess he has made of everything, Tony may or may not go to jail...
And shame on those of you who thought Michelle was a mole! Michelle rocks! Next year she should be running CTU, she has way bigger b@llz than Tony or Jack!!
No Apologies (of the tv junkie class)
whether you have been disfellowshipped, or disasociated yourself or just slowly are fading or inactive... .
or even are still there at the hall attending due to family.. .
do you think that when you were at your 'strongest as a believer' that anyone would have guessed how you feel about the wts now?.
I have no idea what my JW acquaintances think of my absence... My family are all convinced I have gone off the deep end in a big way.
No Apologies (of the alone but free class)
i posted this on my other thread titled "im scurred"
here is the conversation.
(some of it word for word)
My question to him is Why would Jehovah help me, an apostate through my "whole ordeal"?
Why do I need to be a witness, at five meetings a week and out in field service if Jehovah will still help me out?
Your logic is flawless. Methinks your brother is in over his head!